Monday, August 30, 2010

Becoming a Griz

Well, we're off to Missoula. Red flag warnings for high winds and rain so we leave early to try and avoid it. We cross Washington, into Idaho and then into Missoula. It was a hot day and smoky from fires in the area.

After checking in, we headed to the University of Montana to move some of Alex's stuff into her dorm (as much as we don't want to be away from Alex, we are thrilled to be free of her 'stuff'!!) Her roommate has moved in already and it's interesting to compare what they put on their bookshelves...

We head to an Irish pub for dinner (so yummy and a great glass of wine!) Alex was meeting up with some friends to listen to the Beach Boys, who are in town, so we drop her off and head back to the campground. We were so glad when she was dropped off and spent the night with us.... it's the last one before she moves into the dorm.

I love having my wee family all around me...

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